HYDERABAD: The Telangana High Court on Wednesday directed the Chief Secretary of Telangana and the Secretary of the State Medical and Health Department to provide detailed information on the creation and sanctioning of the post of Director of Medical Education by the next scheduled hearing.
The directive came from a division bench comprising Chief Justice Alok Aradhe and Justice Jukanti Anil Kumar during the court’s proceedings on a petition filed by A Narendra Kumar, the superintendent of Wanaparthy Government Hospital.
The petition challenged the alleged inaction of authorities in not officially sanctioning the post of Director of Medical Education and the continuation of Dr Ramesh Reddy as the in-charge director. According to the petitioner, the post should be officially sanctioned and filled as per the promotions outlined in G.O.Rt.No.699, dated December 7, 2021, regarding the post of Director of Medical Education.
Contrary to the petitioner’s expectations, the government, through G.O.Rt.No.699, appointed Dr Ramesh Reddy, the Principal of Gandhi Medical College, as the in-charge director. The petitioner contested this appointment, arguing that Dr. Ramesh Reddy is junior to several eligible candidates for the position. Narendra Kumar sought the court’s intervention to suspend the GO and consider his appointment as the in-charge director.
However, the court, in its decision on Wednesday, rejected Narendra Kumar’s plea. The court directed the authorities to consider Dr Ramesh Reddy’s application for voluntary retirement in accordance with the law within the next four weeks.