HYDERABAD: Alleging corruption in the functioning of the Haj Committee of India (HCI), AIMIM chief Asaduddin Owaisi on Tuesday demanded a CBI probe into the issue. Speaking in Lok Sabha, the Hyderabad MP pointed out that pending appointment of a Chief Executive Officer (CEO), there is rampant corruption in the HCI and as a result, the Indian hajis, who recently attended the pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia, faced hardships.
“The advertisement on appointment of the Haj Committee CEO was given on November 11, 2023. But a permanent CEO was not appointed. Due to this, the Hajis who travel to Saudi Arabia have been facing problems as the corrupt officials provide them substandard accommodation. In the absence of a permanent CEO, the management took money for the services provided to Hajis,” he alleged.
He also claimed that the licenses of the private tour operators were not renewed unless a bribe of Rs 1 lakh was paid to the officials for felicitating the travel of Hajis. He also alleged that there are officials in the Ministry of Minority Affairs who have not been transferred for the past eight years.
“It is against the Central Secretariat Rules. One official was terminated, and his/her relatives are working in Delhi for a salary of Rs 50,000 to Rs 60,000,” he said, adding that the “poor Hajis” should be protected from facing such problems.