NIZAMABAD: The Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) arrested Dasari Narendar, in-charge revenue officer of the Nizamabad Municipal Corporation (NMC), after a series of raids on his Nizamabad residence and other locations on Friday. The estimated value of assets seized is Rs 6.07 crore.
Narendar was presented before the Special Judge for SPE and ACB cases in Hyderabad. His arrest has caused a stir among officials and employees of the NMC, as it marks the first time in the last decade that a high-ranking official has been apprehended by the ACB.
The incident is unprecedented in the NMC where no official had earlier been arrested in a disproportionate assets case.
The ACB team had a tough time counting the large amounts of cash, which was concealed in various secret hideaways within the house. The search and seizure operation continued until afternoon, after which Narendar was arrested and presented in court.
Narendar, who had been working in the Municipal Corporation for several years, was known for maintaining a low profile. He reportedly managed to avoid transfers through the influence of elected representatives and higher officials, allowing him to remain in his position. Local officials and representatives often supported his continued tenure.
Several NMC employees disclosed that Narendar frequently stayed in the office after hours. The lack of a citizen-friendly property tax system within the NMC had reportedly allowed officials to intimidate and coerce citizens into paying taxes, with some allegedly being asked for gifts.
ACB raids yield treasure trove
The ACB unearthed a total of Rs 2.93 cr in cash, Rs 1.1 crore in bank balances in the name of D Narendar, his wife and his mother & gold worth Rs 6 lakh & properties worth Rs 1.98 cr
The total value of the assets seized is around Rs 6.07 crore
This was the first time in the last decade that a high-ranking official of NMC has been arrested in a DA case
Narendar had been working in the NMC for years and kept a low profile, using his clout to avoid being transferred