HYDERABAD: The CBI has registered a case against two officials from the GST Hyderabad Commissionerate for harassing a businessman and extorting money from him.
The CBI said that superintendent VD Anand Kumar and inspector Manish Sharma allegedly demanded and accepted Rs 5 lakh from one Syed Feroz on July 4, 2023. According to Feroz, the officials had threatened to impose GST on his business alleging irregularities and sealed his iron scrap shop. They demanded another Rs 3 lakh to reopen the scrap iron shop.
When Feroz objected to the additional demand, a scuffle reportedly occurred between him and the GST officials. Following this, the GST officials lodged a complaint and Feroz was arrested.
However, the CBI determined that the allegations warranted further investigation and found that the GST officials were at fault.