HYDERABAD: Deputy Chief Minister Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka on Tuesday admitted that while the government released Rs 18,000 crore to banks towards crop loan waiver, only Rs 7,500 crore was received by the farmers so far. “Even one week delay in loan waiver would not have the desired benefit,” he said addressing a state level bankers’ meeting at Praja Bhavan here.
“Surmounting several problems, we mobilised Rs 18,000 crore and transferred the funds in a span of one month. On July 18, we started first quarter (first instalment), second quarter on July 30 and third on August 15. Within one month we have released Rs 18,000 crore, thinking that if our farmers get timely aid, they can reinvest their money to produce more and more crops. But the data says only Rs 7,500 crore reached the farmers. So, I request you to ensure that whatever money we have released reaches the farmers in time. Particularly, in agriculture lending, it serves no purpose if timely help is not extended. There is no use if you delay even by a day.”
Later, the office of the deputy chief minister issued a statement stating: “The state government has released Rs 18,000 crore to banks towards crop loan waiver. The banks are delaying extending new loans to farmers. The banks have so far given only Rs 17,300 crore in new loans to farmers, which is not appropriate. Bankers should treat farmers with humanity.”
Priority for industrial sector: Bhatti
Bhatti said: “Agriculture is the backbone of the state and investment support is being extended to farmers through loan waiver and Rythu Bharosa and funds are being allocated for completion of major and medium irrigation projects. The government is also supplying 24-hour free power and farmers are being freed from the debt burden. All these measures will strengthen the agriculture and allied sectors.”
He reiterated that priority is being given to the industrial sector as well and the government is going ahead with innovative policies. Small and medium scale industries will generate large-scale employment, he said and asked bankers to sanction loans liberally to entrepreneurs.
He also sought bankers’ help in giving interest-free loans to Self Help Groups under the Indira Mahila Shakti Scheme for industrial development. The government intends to give one lakh crore interest free loans to SHGs in five years, he added.