HYDERABAD: A day after Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy declared that he would himself demolish the any structure belonging to his family members if it was found to be within the full tank level (FTL) and buffer zone of any water body, Revenue officials on Thursday issued notices to A Tirupathi Reddy, the chief minister’s brother, as his house and office were reportedly found to be within the FTL of Durgam Cheruvu.
Responding to the notice, Tirupathi clarified that he had purchased the 600 sq yd property in 1995 with a sanctioned layout and building permission, and was unaware that it was within the buffer zone of Durgam Cheruvu. He added that the property which he purchased belonged to a person named Koteswar Rao.
Tirupathi Reddy also stated that the layout was approved before the APWALTA Act came into existence and that he would comply with any corrective action deemed necessary by the authorities.
In addition to Tirupathi Reddy, notices were also issued to 240 other residents in colonies surrounding Durgam Cheruvu, also known as the Secret Lake, including prominent neighbourhoods like Amar Cooperative Society, Kavuri Hills, Nectar’s Colony, Doctor’s Colony and a few others. These areas, known for their luxurious constructions, are home to many influential individuals, including politicians, film stars and high-ranking bureaucrats.
Building and flat owners are already tense following notices from the deputy collector of Serilingampally mandal, demanding the removal of structures falling within the FTL/buffer zone of Durgam Cheruvu. Residents argue that this enforcement is unfair as they were not aware of the violations until now.
The notices, issued under Section 23 (1) of the Telangana Water, Land and Trees Act, 2002 (WALTA), specify that properties in these colonies fall within the FTL/buffer zone. The authorities have given the property owners 30 days for voluntary demolition, failing which action will be taken by the Hyderabad Disaster Response and Assets Monitoring and Protection Agency (HYDRAA) authorities.
Under the WALTA Act, the government can declare water bodies as heritage bodies and conservation zones and can take measures to prevent encroachment.
The notice issued to Tirupathi Reddy said: “The designated officer has the power to prevent and remove encroachments from the demarcated water body area”, directing him to remove the encroachment within 30 days or face demolition.
Referring to the notice, the chief minister’s brother accused the BRS of using this issue to divert attention from the illegal activities during its 10-year rule. He said:. ‘’I am ready to vacate the building, if it is proved to be falling under the FTL/buffer zone,’’ he said.
House in FTL marked with ‘F’
Revenue authorities in Serilingampally mark houses with an “F” to indicate that the structures are located within the FTL of Durgam Cheruvu. Areas such as Amar Cooperative Society, Kavuri Hills, Nectar’s Colony, Doctor’s Colony known for their luxurious constructions, are home to many influential individuals, including politicians, film stars and high-ranking bureaucrats