HYDERABAD: Eight years after the horrific rape and murder of a minor boy, a special trial court in Rangareddy district for POCSO cases found the accused guilty and sentenced him to life imprisonment while imposing a fine of Rs 17,000 on him.
The boy had gone to a nearby kirana and failed to return home on December 22, 2015. His father lodged a missing complaint with the Mailardevpally police. Upon investigation, the police found that a 45-year-old man, identified as Syed Mohammed Irfan, had lured the boy, taken him to a railway track where he sexually assaulted him and murdered him.
On the night of December 22, 2015, the accused lured the boy, asked him where the mosque was and asked him to sit on his bike to get proper directions.
The accused, however, then took the victim to the railway tracks, sexually violated the child and when the boy fell unconscious, he used a boulder to smash his head. Irfan reportedly also smashed the boy’s private parts and pushed him into a drain near the railway track.