In a first, cybercrime victims get back lost money

The officers then promptly coordinate with the respective banks to put on hold the victim’s money.
Usually, complaints of financial cyber fraud are received by the TSCSB call centre on the helpline 1930.
Usually, complaints of financial cyber fraud are received by the TSCSB call centre on the helpline 1930.

HYDERABAD: In a first, the national Lok Adalat on Saturday ordered refund of Rs 2.19 crore to 546 victims of cyber fraud in the state in a single day. The push for the refund was a collaborative effort by the Telangana State Cyber Security Bureau (TSCSB) and Telangana State Legal Services Authority.

After receiving a complaint of financial cyber crime, the TSCSB immediately initiates efforts to freeze/put on hold the victim’s money in the fraudster’s bank accounts.

Usually, complaints of financial cyber fraud are received by the TSCSB call centre on the helpline 1930. Following this, there are officers who monitor the National Crime Reporting Portal and track the money trail from the victim to the fraudster. The officers then promptly coordinate with the respective banks to put on hold the victim’s money.

However, the chances of freezing the lost money and retrieving it, is bright only if the victim of financial cyber fraud reports the case within the first two hours of the monetary loss.

The longer the victim takes to report, the easier it becomes for the fraudster to withdraw the money or change it into crypto currency or find other ways to evade the police.

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