Rave party probe: Telugu actor present, says Karnataka top cop

She had been allowed to leave after medical tests.
Image used for representational purposes only.
Image used for representational purposes only.(Express Illustrations)

HYDERABAD: A day after a rave party was busted at a farmhouse in Bengaluru, rumours have surfaced alleging that Tollywood actress Hema was among the attendees. On Tuesday, Bengaluru police hinted at her involvement, stating that a video she posted, claiming to be in Hyderabad, was recorded at the farmhouse where the party was held.

Sources confirmed to TNIE that Bengaluru police have indicated that an actress was among those detained. On the day of the raid, allegations surfaced involving actors Hema and Srikanth, who posted videos claiming to be in Hyderabad. Hema’s video, purportedly from a farmhouse in Hyderabad, appeared suspiciously similar to the GN Reddy farmhouse near Electronic City. Further investigation revealed that she shot the video at the farmhouse during the raid, attempting to mislead viewers into believing she was elsewhere.

It is alleged that Hema was present during the raid and, after being detained, used the excuse of going to the washroom to record the misleading video. Reports suggest she pleaded with the police not to arrest her and to keep her identity concealed.

The police are currently awaiting the medical examination results of all party attendees. Meanwhile, L Vasu, the party organiser, remains under scrutiny.

Additionally, Aashi Roy, a newcomer to the Telugu film industry, was also reportedly present at the party. She claimed that Vasu invited her under the guise of a birthday celebration and denied any knowledge of drugs or illegal activities at the venue. Roy has appealed to the public to avoid spreading rumours that could harm her career.

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