HYDERABAD: IT, Industries and Commerce Minister D Sridhar Babu on Sunday directed the officials of Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya (KGBV), Palamakula, Rangareddy, to provide quality food to students and maintain hygiene.
During his visit to the residential school along with the Rangareddy collector and social welfare officials, the minister asked the officials to ensure that no complaints are received regarding the quality of vegetables and eggs. He asserted that there should be no compromise on providing uniforms, books and other facilities to the girl students. Sridhar Babu also had lunch with the students.
The welfare officer of the hostel assured him that only superfine quality rice was being used to prepare food for students. Criticising the former BRS government, Sridhar Babu said that the pink party leaders forgot the incidents of patients being bitten by rats in the MGM Hospital, Warangal when it was in power.
The minister added that collectors and district education officers (DEOs) did not even visit residential schools and hostels during the previous BRS government. He added that the Congress government was rectifying the faults of the BRS government.
Former minister T Harish Rao on Saturday had accused the state government of neglecting residential schools and demanded that the students be serve clean, hygienic and nutritious food.
Harish was speaking to reporters after visiting the government residential school for girls in Palamakula a day after the students protested over the quality of food served to them. Harish Rao demanded that the government explain why it was not responding to the protest by the students.