KHAMMAM: A 47-year-old JCB driver from Haryana, Sk Subhani, disabled by polio, emerged as a hero after saving nine people, including a woman and two children, who were trapped on the Prakashnagar bridge in Khammam during the recent floods. Subhani’s act has garnered praise from all walks of life while many hailed him as a saviour. However, despite the praise, his financial situation remains dire, as he struggles to support his family of six.
Speaking to TNIE over phone from his village in Haryana on Thursday, Subhani expressed his gratitude for the praise but voiced his concern about his ongoing struggles. “People are praising me, which is fine, but who will help solve my own problems?” he asked.
Subhani, who has been disabled in his right leg since childhood, is known for his kindness and bravery. He hails from Gangavai in Mewat district. After completing the rescue, Subhani left for his native place to care for his ailing wife, without expecting any recognition.
In fact, he had planned to leave for his village on Sunday due to his wife’s health, but he believes fate intervened to keep him in Khammam for the rescue.
According to reports, O Srinivasa Rao, a local businessman making cement bricks and rings, along with his workers and son, was near the Munneru river when they noticed the rising floodwaters. They moved to the middle of the Prakashnagar bridge for safety but soon found both ends of the bridge submerged by the flood.
Locals gathered at the scene and appealed for help from the government. Agriculture Minister Thummala Nageswara Rao and police officials arrived but were unable to secure a helicopter for rescue. Frustrated, the locals protested, raising slogans against the government’s inaction.
Didn’t give up even after 2 failed attempts
It was at this critical moment that Subhani arrived at the scene at 8:30 pm. Initially, he was hesitant to enter the floodwaters due to the heavy flow. “I was determined to save them, but when I saw the force of the flood, I panicked and had to retreat,” the 47-year-old recalled to TNIE.
After two failed attempts, Subhani made a third attempt, motivating himself with the thought that even if he lost his life, he would at least save the others. This time, he succeeded in reaching the trapped group.