HYDERABAD: The Telangana High Court has set aside a single judge order that reinstated a dismissed workman of MRF Ltd and upheld the firm’s decision to terminate the workman, citing severe misconduct.
The case stemmed from an incident on February 7, 2008, when P Sangameswar, employed as a band building operator, allegedly disobeyed his supervisor’s instructions and later confronted him at the breaker’s stand storage area, where he reportedly slapped him.
The high court found that both the Labour Court and the single judge had failed to properly assess the evidence, particularly the testimony and documentary proof provided by MRF Limited.
‘Claim hand accidentally touched cheek not credible’
The court noted that the workman’s hand accidentally touched the supervisor’s cheek was not credible.
Senior counsel for MRF Ltd contended that the Labour Court and single judge had overlooked the severity of the misconduct. Conversely, the workman’s counsel argued that there was insufficient witness to support the allegations.