NEW DELHI: A nasty squabble between the wives of two army officers has landed the top brass of the world’s third largest army in a major embarrassment. A complaint has been filed by an officer with the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO). Now the PMO is seeking a report from the army headquarters.
The incident that happened last week has created quite a buzz in army circles. During a ceremonial event at the Bhathinda military station, the wife of a Commanding Officer slapped the wife of a Lieutenant Colonel for coming late to an Army Wives Welfare Association (AWWA) event.
The incident was witnessed by several army officers and jawans, and top officials did everything to hush up the case. However, the Lieutenant Colonel has written to the PMO, the President, National Human Rights Commission, and even to the CBI director and DGP Punjab police.
“A senior army officer’s wife publicly scolded, abused, threatened, and physically assaulted the wife of a junior army officer, during an event of the AWWA. The victim is likely to be harassed and stopped from seeking justice,” the official complaint reads.
As the wives of the army officers do not come under the Army Act, army authorities cannot take action against the culprit. In the past too there have been several instances, where senior officers’ wives misbehaved with junior officers’ wives. Two years ago, the wife of a junior officer was threatened by the Brigade Commander’s wife.
The AWWA is a non-government organisation (NGO) headed by the army chief’s wife. It is mandatory for the wife of every serving army officer and jawan to be a member and take part in the activities of the association. The association’s activities are meant for the well-being of Army wives and children, apart from helping in rehabilitation of war widows and special children.
As the wives of the army officers do not come under the Army Act, army authorities cannot take action against the culprit, despite presence of eyewitnesses.