MUMBAI: The Maharashtra government on Saturday extended the term of the Sandeep Shinde committee till December 31, 2024, enabling it to scrutinize records for the reservation in jobs for the Maratha-Kunbi community.
The MahaYuti alliance dispensation issued a government resolution (GR) extending the deadline to the committee.
The committee will have to submit its report after the state assembly elections due in October. The committee was formed on September 7, 2023.
This is not the first time the Shinde committee has got an extension to submit its report. Earlier it was extended for two months this year.
The committee will require two more months now as it has to visit Hyderabad to obtain Nizam-era records and also check archeological records in Maharashtra.
In response to quota activist Manoj Jarange’s demand that Marathas should be given Kunbi caste certificates (so that they can avail of OBC quota), the government had said those Marathas who can produce old records where they or their ancestors are identified as Kunbi-Maratha shall be issued such certificates.