THIRUVANANTHAPURAM : A day after Bengali actress Sreelekha Mitra raised allegations of sexual misconduct against the Kerala Chalachitra Academy chairman, demands mounted from various corners — political parties, Left-leaning cultural leaders, film personalities and youth organisations—for Ranjith’s resignation.
Hectic parleys are being held as the government buys time to ensure a safe exit for the academy chairman. Top government sources said that the ball is now in the court of Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan.
On Saturday, the government found itself in a tight spot after Cultural Minister Saji Cheriyan defended Ranjith, saying he’s a brilliant director and the probe will be conducted if there’s a formal complaint. Though he later made a U-turn by posting a “corrected” statement, the damage was already done.
Women’s Commission chairperson P Sathidevi, however, said a written complaint was not necessary to take action in cases of sexual harassment. She said the panel would seek a report from the government
CPI leader Annie Raja sought immediate removal of Ranjith from the post. Chalachithra Academy member N Arun said they expect government intervention.
Sreelekha Mitra said that she would not come to Kerala leaving her work in Bengal and file a complaint. She asked the govt to take up the matter on her behalf.