Global Express | Raisi's fiery end - bad weather or foul play!

Watch the latest episode of the Global Express with Senior Journalist Neena Gopal on the recent death of Iran President Ebrahim Raisi and its repercussions on the country and beyond. - Raisi’s fiery end - bad weather or foul play! - Iran in transition but no let up on Israel - Israel fury as Norway resurrects Oslo Accord 2.0 - Raissi death, blow to India? - How does the shocking death of the Iranian President Ebrahim Raissi and his india leaning Foreign minister in a helicopter crash, days after India pulled off a strategic coup in gaining a firm foothold in Iran with the Chabahar port deal, affect India? - How does it affect Iran where a smooth transfer of power from supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei to Raissi this June was on the cards? - And was it really an accident or was it a planned assassination? Who was behind it, sworn enemy Israel’s Mossad or the CIA ‘ deep state’ which has already eliminated four key Iranian leaders. The US - in election year - was rattled by Raissi mending fences with Azerbaijan, Saudi and Pakistan while stepping up its maritime and land offensive against Israel AND quietly supplying Russia with a steady supply of weapons in its war with Ukraine. - Or was it an inside job? Fingers are pointing at Ali Khamenei’s son Mojtaba who is one of the contenders for the all powerful position of Supreme leader. - As Israel - and Iran proxy Hamas - face prosecution for war crimes by the International Criminal Court, will India re-examine its precarious balancing act in a world where there are no coincidences. - Talking to GE are West Asia experts former Ambassador Anil Trigunyat and well known journalist, Political Analyst Dr. Waiel Awwad

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