Australia considers cancelling Islamic cleric's visa over gay views

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull says Australia is considering canceling the visa of an Islamic cleric who has reportedly condemned homosexuality.

CANBERRA: Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull says Australia is considering canceling the visa of an Islamic cleric who has reportedly condemned homosexuality.

The Australian newspaper reported on Tuesday British-born Farrokh Sekaleshfar arrived in Sydney a week ago as a guest speaker of the Imam Husain Islamic Center.

The newspaper reported that when asked about homosexuality at a lecture at the University of Michigan in 2013, Sekaleshfar said: "Death is the sentence."

Turnbull says the Department of Immigration and Border Protection was reviewing Sekaleshfar's visa.

Minister for Immigration and Border Protection Peter Dutton says he ordered the visa review after becoming aware on Monday of the cleric's presence in Australia.

Sekaleshfar did not immediately return the AP's call on Tuesday.

The New Indian Express