North  Korea slams Trump's 'criminal' security strategy

The security report is a litany of US grievances, outlining the superpower's approach to the world with biting language framing Beijing and Moscow as global competitors.
US President Donald Trump (File | AP)
US President Donald Trump (File | AP)

SEOUL: North Korea branded US President Donald Trump's first National Security Strategy a "criminal document" on Friday, hours before a UN vote on a US-drafted resolution ramping up sanctions on the hermit state.

The security report is a litany of US grievances, outlining the superpower's approach to the world with biting language framing Beijing and Moscow as global competitors.

The strategy unveiled Monday is "a typical outcome of the Yankee-style arrogance, seeking total subordination of the whole world to the interests of the US", North Korean state news agency KCNA quoted a foreign ministry spokesman as saying.

"It is also a criminal document which clearly reflects the gangster-like nature of Trump who likes to create trouble," the spokesman added.

China and Russia have also decried the 68-page report, which pilloried both nations as "revisionist powers" bent on rolling back American interests.

A Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman said Tuesday the strategy displayed a "Cold War mentality", while the Kremlin denounced its "imperialist character".

The UN Security Council is set to vote Friday on a draft resolution, presented by the United States following negotiations with China, on new punitive measures restricting oil supplies to the North. 

The proposals, in response to North Korea's test of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) on November 28, would be the third raft of sanctions imposed on the pariah state this year.

The vote comes as the United States and North Korea are showing no signs they are willing to engage in talks to end the crisis on the Korean peninsula.

Trump has threatened to "totally destroy" North Korea if it attacks the United States while the North insists the world must now accept that it is a nuclear power.

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