Trump to meet NATO leaders for first time on May 25

Trump has shaken up the world's biggest military alliance, branding it "obsolete" and warning allies that he might not come to their defense if they don't boost military spending.
Belgian Premier Charles Michel is seen prior to his meeting with Israeli President Reuven Rivlin at the presidential compound in Jerusalem on Feb. 6, 2017. (Photo | AP)
Belgian Premier Charles Michel is seen prior to his meeting with Israeli President Reuven Rivlin at the presidential compound in Jerusalem on Feb. 6, 2017. (Photo | AP)

BRUSSELS: Belgium's prime minister says NATO heads of state and government will meet with U.S. President Donald Trump for the first time in May.

Premier Charles Michel said in a tweet late Wednesday that he is "very pleased to welcome my colleagues for the next NATO summit in Brussels on 25th May and opening of new headquarters."

Work on the sprawling new complex near the main Brussels airport is well behind schedule. A ribbon-cutting ceremony is set to be held there, while the leaders are likely to meet at NATO's old premises across the road.

Trump has shaken up the world's biggest military alliance, branding it "obsolete" and warning allies that he might not come to their defense if they don't boost military spending.

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