Pakistan condemns Islamic State attack on Kabul military academy

The Foreign Office said Pakistan conveyed solidarity and support to the Government and people of Afghanistan on the Islamic State militants attack that killed at least 11 troops and wounded 16.
Gunmen and suicide bombers launched a pre-dawn attack claimed by the Islamic State group on a military compound in Kabul today, killing 11 soldiers in the third major assault in the Afghan capital in recent days. | AP
Gunmen and suicide bombers launched a pre-dawn attack claimed by the Islamic State group on a military compound in Kabul today, killing 11 soldiers in the third major assault in the Afghan capital in recent days. | AP

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan today strongly condemned the Islamic State attack at a military academy in Kabul and called for concerted efforts and cooperation among all countries to eradicate the scourge of terrorism in Afghanistan.

The Foreign Office said Pakistan conveyed solidarity and support to the Government and people of Afghanistan on the Islamic State militants attack that killed at least 11 troops and wounded 16.

"We convey our sincere condolences at the loss of precious human lives in the attack,” it said.

"We convey our deepest sympathies with the families of those who have lost their loved ones and pray for the early recovery of the injured. Pakistanis feel the intense pain and agony of our Afghan brothers and sisters,” the statement said.

Pakistan also reiterated its strong condemnation of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, especially the series of recent heinous attacks in Afghanistan.

"We emphasise the need for concerted efforts and effective cooperation among all states to eradicate the scourge of terrorism,” it said.

Islamic State militants attacked Afghan soldiers guarding a military academy in the capital of Kabul today, killing at least 11 troops and wounding 16.

The attack was the latest in a wave of relentless violence in Kabul this month unleashed by the Taliban and the rival Islamic State group that has killed scores and left hundreds wounded.

Afghanistan accuses Pakistan of providing safe havens to terrorists who carry out attacks in the war-torn country. 

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