It’s productivity o’clock

Research shows that, contrary to popular perception, multitasking is not the most organised way of working.
For representational purposes
For representational purposes

Imagine starting your day by checking emails, then shifting gears to attend a meeting, only to be interrupted by an urgent phone call, followed by trying to squeeze in some creative work amid distractions. This constant shuffling between tasks may seem like you are multitasking efficiently, but this approach can be counterproductive and leave you mentally drained.

Research shows that, contrary to popular perception, multitasking is not the most organised way of working. A study conducted by Stanford University in 2018 found that people who regularly engage
in it have difficulty filtering out irrelevant information, structuring their thoughts, and switching between tasks effectively. Another study conducted by the American Psychological Association found that shifting between pieces of work can reduce productivity by up to 40 per cent.  

Enter time batching, a schedule management technique that helps you stay focused and boost productivity. It involves grouping similar tasks and allocating dedicated blocks of time to work on them. 
By categorising duties and creating slots for each, you can avoid mental interruptions and achieve better results.

Here’s how to implement it:

Group tasks: Start by organising your tasks into categories based on their nature or required skills. For example, you can have blocks for administrative tasks, creative work, meetings, or strategic planning.
Create a schedule: Once you have identified the groups, create a schedule that designates time blocks for each. Consider your energy levels and priorities when determining the best hour for each batch. Utilise digital planners or apps like Google Tasks, TickTick, or Sectograph to help you manage and track your time efficiently.

Minimise interruptions: To help you stay attentive during your batching periods, eliminate potential distractions. Silence notifications on your phone, close unnecessary tabs on your computer, and find a quiet workspace. Communicate your time schedule to your team or colleagues as well.

Focus on one batch at a time: During each time block, concentrate solely on the tasks within that category. By doing so, you can enter a state of flow and work more efficiently.

Evaluate and adjust: Regularly assess the effectiveness of your time batching system. Reflect on your ability to complete tasks within the allocated time and desired outcomes. Adjust it along the way as needed to optimise workflow. Consider using apps that incorporate specialised time management techniques such as the Pomodoro or Eisenhower methods. While in the former, five-minute stretches of focused work are broken by five-minute breaks, the latter is a matrix tool with four quadrants: tasks you will do first, schedule for later, delegate and delete.

With time batching, you can enhance productivity, improve prioritisation and reduce stress. Remember, finding the right techniques and tools that work for you is key. Experiment with approaches until you discover the one that works best for you.

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