Myriad Merits of Meditation

Meditation washes away the toxins of worldly desire, greed, attachment, possessiveness, obsessions, envy and jealousy
Myriad Merits of Meditation

To overcome the toxins of selfishness and its resulting unhealthy desires, greed, attachment, possessiveness, obsession, envy, and jealousy, we can use meditation as a remedy. With it, we connect to an inner radiant musical current. The inner bliss is not like the brief happiness we experience when we obtain anything material; it is a permanent state that knows no end. Achieving our desires in this world is but a pale reflection of the joy we experience when immersed in the light and sound current. The inner experience puts us into ecstasy that surpasses any temporary happiness in this world.

We discover that in our search to fulfil our desires from the material world, we are looking for happiness. Anything material, however, is temporary and subject to loss. That which we feel makes us happy in this world can bring its opposite—unhappiness. When we meditate, we reach the source of joy. It is a state of delight that does not deteriorate.

We have to work hard to attain material gains, whether through honest means or taking from others what is not rightfully ours. Our mind becomes poisoned by the desire to get more of what we already have or what we seek from others. This prevents us from a state of contentment. In meditation, however, we receive a never-ending stream of happiness. There is an unlimited supply of peace for every soul in creation that lasts for all eternity. There is no question of greed as there is enough for all.

Being attached to something in this world that is temporary brings pain. Being attached to the inner treasures, which are made of spirit, brings permanent joy. The creative power is eternal. It is all conscious, love, peace and joy. Meditation attaches us to that which is permanent, so we never have to fear or suffer its loss.

Obsession is the unhealthy focus on desires of this world where we cannot think about anything else. It is an ultimate poison, as it drives our every thought, word and deed. People can become obsessed with anything in this world, such as objects, addictions to intoxicating and hallucinogenic drugs, smoking, alcohol or unhealthy relationships. We become fixated on something. Meditation can alleviate an obsession. By deriving a greater enjoyment from our connection to spiritual gifts, outer obsessions can melt away. Many people have cured their addictions by finding greater enjoyment in meditation. When they experienced the divine intoxication from meditation, the outer addictions fell away as they were not as satisfying.

Envy and jealousy poison our minds. Envy makes us want what others have. We can envy others without having negative feelings towards others. Jealousy, on the other hand, makes us harbour ill will towards those who have what we want. Both disturb our sense of contentment. We are happy with our situation. In envy, we are dissatisfied with ourselves. We do not feel we are as beautiful, talented, strong, wealthy, intelligent, powerful, or any other quality we feel others have.

It leads to complaining about what we have and wishing we had more. In jealousy, we not only want what others have, but it may be accompanied by a desire to hurt others for having that which we want, or we attempt to take away from them what is theirs. It can drive a person to do harm in thought, word or deed. Meditation helps us overcome envy and jealousy for we are embraced by godly love from within that washes away any sense of envy or jealousy we have of others. Anything of this world that we wish we had more of is replaced with a never-ending embrace of love, peace, and happiness.

When we meditate, we come in contact with a wellspring of joy and contentment. We discover there is nothing we can attain in the outer world that is as satisfying as the sublime bliss within. Inside us is a spark of the power that created all that is. Beauty, strength, intelligence, and other qualities connected to our physical body and mind can perish with age. Wealth and power are situational and subject to fluctuations in economics or positions in a company or institution.

None of these last. Since they are temporary, we suffer when we lose them. Our material attainment does not guarantee our happiness. Meditation puts us in touch with an inner source that provides happiness not dependent on us gaining outer gifts. It fills us with more joy than we can derive from outer beauty, power, or wealth. We no longer covet what others have because we realise we have spiritual riches.

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