'She was 12 days old': Desolate faces relive loss outside mortuary after Delhi hospital fire

The baby-care is responsible; and the hospital which referred his daughter here, he says in blank desperation.
Relatives of infant victims wait to identify bodies outside mortuary
Relatives of infant victims wait to identify bodies outside mortuaryPhoto | Parveen Negi, EPS

NEW DELHI: Frantic, breathless, wild-eyed as he paced outside the GTB hospital mortuary, father of 12-day-old baby girl named Anjaan broke down on camera, demanded justice for his deceased daughter.

“I did not know. A friend called. Neither the hospital nor the police informed. I called the hospital but there was no answer. I rushed here. The baby has died. She was 12-day-old.” His words flow like incoherent phrases, speaking more to himself, rather than us.

The baby-care is responsible; and the hospital which referred his daughter here, he says in blank desperation. “I want justice for all the babies. I request the PM, the CM, everyone to ensure justice. I had saved money for her. I did not know that she will..” he trails off into tears.

The guardians of the seven infants who lost their lives in the neonatal facility blaze in east Delhi’s Vivek Vihar area were completely despondent as they stood outside the mortuary.

Amit Sharma says his pain has now transformed into anguish. “Now, our pain of losing our newborn has transformed into anguish and anger as officers are avoiding giving any response,” said Sharma, who lost his one-day-old nephew.

After the incident, District Magistrate, Shahdara, Ritisha Gupta reached GTB Hospital where she had to face the ire of the kin, shouting 'Hume insaaf chahiye' (we want justice).

Arun Kumar, a bread distributor by trade, said they are yet to identify their child. “There is Gupta Hospital where others kids were shifted following the incident. Raj Kumar, father of the child, has identified a baby his baby. The hospital has asked for a DNA test to clear the picture whether the kid belongs to us. We have reached GTB Hospital to see whether our girl is here or not,” Kumar said.

He further said his daughter was 17-days-old. “She had a fever and was admitted on Friday. We live in Brij Vihar, UP and were calling hospital in the morning, but no one attending it, following which we reached there and got to know about the incident,” Arun said.

One among the crowd said every official who has visited the families of the deceased are tight lipped. They have no answer if the hospital was legal, or if it had any sanction from the authorities, he said.

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