NEW DELHI: The Delhi Police, in a recent status report to the Delhi High Court, said that former IAS trainee Puja Khedkar, who participated in the 2022 and 2023 Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) civil services examinations, is under suspicion of having forged one of the disability certificates she presented
As per the report, Khedkar had submitted two separate disability certificates, both allegedly issued by the Issuing Medical Authority in Ahmednagar, Maharashtra. However, further scrutiny of documents and additional inquiries led to the discovery that the Ahmednagar District Civil Authority had not issued a certificate that listed ‘multiple disabilities,’ as claimed by Khedkar.
“Disability Certificate (Multiple Disability) vide No. MH2610119900342407 has not been issued by the Issuing Medical Authority, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra as per our Civil Surgeon Office Records, hence the possibility of Disability Certificate forged and fabricated is more likely,” read the report.
The implications of these findings are significant, as Khedkar reportedly claimed to suffer from various physical and mental conditions to gain advantages under specific reservation categories. These alleged misrepresentations could have unfairly boosted her chances of succeeding in the UPSC exams.
Beyond the questionable disability certificates, the report also suggests that Khedkar may have provided other misleading information in her UPSC application, particularly concerning her eligibility for reservation benefits.
Khedkar’s legal troubles began in July when the UPSC canceled her candidature and barred her from future exams, accusing her of perpetrating fraud against the commission and the public. The Delhi Police subsequently registered an FIR against her, invoking provisions from the Indian Penal Code, Information Technology Act, and the Right of Persons with Disabilities Act.
As the probe continues, the Delhi High Court’s decision to extend interim protection offers Khedkar temporary relief. However, the looming hearing on September 5 will be crucial in determining her legal fate.
How Delhi Police became suspicious
Khedkar had submitted two separate disability certificates, both allegedly issued by the Issuing Medical Authority in Ahmednagar, Maharashtra. However, further scrutiny of documents led to the discovery that the Ahmednagar District Civil Authority had not issued a certificate that listed ‘multiple disabilities,’ as claimed by Khedkar.