The much-awaited trailer of Prashanth Neel’s KGF, starring Yash and Srinidhi Shetty, was launched in Kannada, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam and Hindi languages yesterday evening. The film which was originally shot in Kannada has been dubbed into the other Indian languages, and the film is gearing up for a simultaneous release on 21st December. Apart from the film’s crew, South Indian celebrities like Vishal and Ambareesh were also part of the event.
Shivarajkumar, who wasn’t able to attend the event due to his acting commitments, wished the team through an audio visual clipping. He said, “I wish all other South Indian language audience support KGF like their own language film. I believe director Prashanth Neel will join the league of filmmakers like AR Murugadoss, Shankar and Rajamouli, who have a pan-Indian reach.”
Launching the original Kannada trailer of the film, Ambareesh said, "In Tamil film industry they spend five crores for a single song or sequence of a film. But in Kannada, we would’ve made five films with that budget. But still, the industry is fighting for its much-delayed prominence. I believe KGF will change this situation.”
Vishal who is presenting the film in Tamilnadu launched the Tamil trailer of the film and said that Yash is more like a brother from another mother. “I am so proud to be part of my brother Yash’s film. It is heartening to see that Kannada cinema is finally getting a nationwide reach. The time has come for Kannada cinema to reach the place where it deserves to be. KGF is a film that has the potential to become a hit irrespective of its language. Very soon Yash will be known as an Indian actor, rather than a Kannada actor.”
Director Prashanth Neel revealed that he initially didn’t have the idea of releasing the film as a multilingual. “We made the film keeping in mind the Kannada audience from day one. But, Yash & producer Vijay Kiragandur had a greater vision for the film, and they were the ones who took KGF to other languages.”
He also went on to apologise for the delay of the film’s release, “I take the blame for the delay. My work schedule was erratic. We might have even finished the film 2 years ago if I were more focused.”
Yash, who began his speech greeting the crowd in all the five languages, thanked Vijay Kiragandur for the confidence he had on the script and him, “The film happened only because of the faith that producer Vijay Kiragandur had on the script. He trusted me completely and decided to invest such a high budget on the film, even before my biggest hit Mr & Mrs. Ramachari.”
He also mentioned that KGF will be on par with Hollywood films. “I truly believe that KGF has the making of a Hollywood film, and I really wish to see Prashanth Neel directing an English film soon.”