As the title suggests, Taekwondo Girl is a sports drama that traces the journey of Ruthu, a young girl from an impoverished background who discovers strength and self-worth through Taekwondo. Directed by Ravindra Vemshi, the film is a poignant exploration of the transformative power of sports, as it seamlessly blends inspiring athleticism with heartfelt storytelling.
Ruthu (Ruthu Sparsha) and her family leave their rural village, where access to government schools is limited, and move to the city. Despite facing many difficulties, Ruthu's mother, with the help of compassionate individuals, is able to enroll Ruthu in a renowned private school under the RTE Act. This opportunity for education offers a glimmer of hope in their otherwise grim reality.
Unfortunately, Ruthu's new life in the city is filled with challenges. At school, she is ostracised and treated with disdain by both the administration and her classmates, who see her as nothing more than a beneficiary of the RTE Act and an outsider. To make matters worse, Ruthu faces daily harassment from other children on her way to and from school and emotional abuse from her alcoholic father at home. Her mother, burdened by their difficult situation, finds it hard to provide support.
Amidst these trials, Ruthu discovers a nearby Taekwondo training session, a turning point in her life. Though financial constraints prevent her from enrolling officially, Ruthu's determination shines through. She teaches herself Taekwondo by observing the practitioners, embodying the discipline and strength of the martial art. This self-taught journey showcases her resilience and unwavering resolve to overcome her adversities.
The central theme of the film is Ruthu's quest to master Taekwondo without a formal mentor. Will her dream of becoming a Taekwondo champion materialise, or will it remain an unattainable aspiration? Director Ravindra Vemshi's approach distinguishes Taekwondo Girl from the typical commercial fare. Aimed primarily at children, the director eschews the usual glitz and complexity of mainstream cinema, opting instead for a restrained, almost documentary-like style. This approach prioritises simplicity and authenticity over flashy elements.
Rutusparsha delivers a remarkable performance in her debut role as Ruthu. Her portrayal of the titular character, including her fight scenes and dance sequences, is both impressive and showcases her dedication. However, the supporting cast, which includes Sumitha Pravin, Pravin Bhanu, Sahanashree, and Rekha Kudligi, does not quite match her intensity, leaving much of the narrative's emotional weight on her shoulders.
To fully grasp the blend of resilience and determination that defines Taekwondo Girl, watching the film is essential. A tale of grit and determination for young minds, the film not only showcases the life-changing potential of sports but also pays tribute to the spirit of a young girl who dares to dream beyond her circumstances.
Taekwondo Girl
Director: Ravindra Vemshi
Cast: Rutusparsha, Sumitha Pravin, Pravin Bhanu, Sahanashree, and Rekha Kudligi
Rating : 2.5/5