Adulthood has various challenges, says author of 'Warm Loving Medication'

The book attempts to summarise the complexity of modern age while talking about the challenges of balancing personal and professional lives as a result of today’s fast-paced lifestyle.
Author Akshat Srivastava
Author Akshat Srivastava

Akshat Srivastava, 24, an upcoming author in town, has launched his first book, Warm Loving Medication.

The book attempts to summarise the complexity of modern age while talking about the challenges of balancing personal and professional lives as a result of today’s fast-paced lifestyle.

The book is now available on Amazon and other online bookstores. Srivastava draws inspiration from his personal experience.

Excerpts from an interview:

What led you to write this book? 

It was just a force of habit for me to write at the particular point in my life. Things had been overwhelming to say the least. I used to work in a suicide helpline after an acquaintance died by suicide. I started by collecting stories of people’s traumas with their consent. My parents introduced me to literature at a young age and it was always a good way to deal with emotions. 

Give us a brief insight into the story.

The story follows the journey of two troubled individuals of very different natures. It is drawn from the perspective of the protagonist (as a journal entry of sorts) who is in-between therapists. It follows their individual stories, struggles and the solace they find in late night phone calls they have because of the inability to sleep after personal traumas. It is about love, loss, friendship, family, career choices and everything in between. Abeer meets Meera on a flight. She’s the head cabin crew for a big airline agency, Abeer on the other hand works at a startup. You could say these individuals are very relatable. 

How can someone strive for a healthy work-life balance?

I am sure most people have that balance. I am still in the way of figuring it out as I am working as a Marketing Analyst, while trying to write my second book, a sequel, and at the same time promoting Warm Loving Medication. Adulthood has various challenges just like every stage of life, everyone receives these pressures in different ways. 

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