BENGALURU: When Anu Boccasam came to her parent’s home in Jayanagar from Geneva in 2020, she had to stay longer than she anticipated due to the pandemic-induced lockdown. While discussing her work with her friends, she realised that one of the things she loves to do had great potential in Bengaluru – elevate the culture of conscious eating at every chef’s table and empower chefs to create innovative and intimate experiences for food lovers in the city. Thus began Chefs-a-Porter.
Now run by Farheen Noor (head of operations), Shiv Deviah (director of Chefs-a-Porter) and Mako Ravindran (co-founder of Chefs-a-porter and ex-consultant with 1Q1, Harima, Bier Library), Chefs-a-Porter provides culinary experiences for people to enjoy from the comfort of their homes.
Speaking to CE, Noor explains, “We’ve collaborated with chefs who are experts in their fields. We give people the option to choose what they want to order (as per cuisine) and we provide the service for them at their homes.”
For example, if you are hosting a party for 10 and want a luxurious experience, you can choose which cuisine you want to serve your guests. The chefs, along with their team, will arrive at your home, cook up a storm, plate it like a pro and serve the guests.
“So, even as a host, you just have to be a guest at your own home. We’ll take care of everything else,” adds Noor. One can customise and choose if they want a vegetarian, non-vegetarian, gluten-free or vegan menu, depending on the guest list.
Like everything, there’s also a virtual experience that’s available since the pandemic hit. “We started the service during the pandemic but due to the many lockdowns, we couldn’t provide the necessary experience. Through the virtual chef’s table, we provide a boutique dining experience with a three-course meal and non-alcoholic beverages, all delivered to your doorstep and prepared by an expert chef,” she explains, adding that you can also opt for a ‘mood bag’ of flowers and candles to be included in the package.
This requires reservations to be made 48 hours in advance. With a virtual chef’s table, one can also place orders from multiple chefs instead of just one. “We’ve been seeing a lot of inquiries on both weekdays and weekends as people in the city are well-travelled and they want to experience great food from the comfort of their homes,” says Noor.