For media practitioner and mother-of-two, Tripti Gambhir working through the afternoon was an ordeal. Post lunch, the 44-year-old would have had to fight the urge to relax and catch some much-needed sleep. “It was so bad at times that I used to sneak down to my car in the building compound, on the pretext of fetching something and take a power nap for 20 minutes before rushing back up to the office,” she confesses with a tinge of embarrassment. Even though there are studies that point to a slew of immediate benefits for memory and learning following an afternoon nap. Tripti’s predicament isn’t unusual. Most of us face this issue after a power-packed morning session of yoga or gym, dispatching kids and spouse with tiffins, and then rushing off to work ourselves. But just maybe, this issue can be addressed with a smart choice of foods.
Chennai-based dietitian Deepalekha Bhattacharjee says, “Your lunch must be wholesome and pack a judicious mix of items from all food groups such as carbohydrates, proteins, fat, vitamins, minerals and fibre. This will keep your energy level high and rev up your stamina. Munch on some nuts (with skin), or sprouts, or a fruit about three hours after lunch to boost your energy and stamina level and shrug off the sluggishness.”She says chapati or rice, dal, pulses, paneer, fish, chicken, egg whites in any form, vegetables, a small bowl of salad combined with curd will not only provide instant energy, but also boost stamina and energy, and slow down the digestion process ensuring that whatever one eats will not be digested promptly, hence the energy produced will drip feed over a period of time. This will help guard against the feeling of sluggishness.Unlike many dietary fads that cut out carbs completely, one needs carbs to keep going through the day. Says fashion designer Masaba Gupta, “I cannot edit out carbs from my diet as I feel weak. I get a headache, feel lethargic and can’t function properly. What works for me is zero sugar consumption. Whenever I feel hungry in between meals, I snack on chopped carrots and cucumbers. I have three-litres of water every day. I even have a box of nuts handy at office to deal with sudden hunger pangs.”
Work smart at office by making small changes in your daily routine. “Have a healthy breakfast, streamline your intake of tea and coffee,” advises Mumbai-based dietitian Sarika Nair of Slim n Happy. “If you sip on these beverages then your hunger pangs get stifled, leading to acidity and this in turn affects digestion. You must stay hydrated instead, sipping on water (with infusions if you want). Nibbling on a fruit late morning makes for a good snack between breakfast and lunch. This prevents you from overeating at lunch.”
Also, if your work involves a lot of screen-time, make sure to step out for a quick five-minute break to breathe in the fresh air, or focus at the horizon through the window. It helps you snap out of the danger of slipping into a glassy eyed reverie. “Avoid simple carbohydrates such as maida,” says Sarika, adding, “They raise your blood sugar levels immediately, followed by a crash. This leads to sleepiness. So make a wise pick by opting for complex carbs like whole grains.” She advises that a carb-heavy lunch should best be avoided and focus should be on proteins in chicken, eggs, pulses, legumes, curd and cottage cheese; and vegetables (cooked and/or raw) at lunch. Also, the nagging ‘dessert bite’ and fizzy drinks are a no-no.
The idea is to feel fab, not full. So rein in those molars and eat until you are 70 percent full, chewing slowly and going the Jap way by doling out small portions on mini plates.