Bolstering Fertility the Natural Way 

One in eight couples are having problems in conceiving.

One in eight couples are having problems in conceiving. This is expected to reach close to 11 million in the next 10 years. An unhealthy lifestyle is at the centre of the issue. These nutritional tips can boost fertility naturally.Antioxidants: Zinc, beta carotene, folate, lutein and vitamins like C and E are rich in antioxidants. They help in the improvement of egg and sperm quality, along with decreasing the free radicals in the body. They’re good because they help bolster the process of implantation. Therefore, it’s good to stock up on that spinach, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and berries. Grapes, apricots, papaya, oranges, guava, watermelon seeds, chia seeds, walnuts, cashews and almonds are good sources too. 

Plant-based protein: Including healthy fats such as nuts, seeds, beans and tofu helps reduce ovulatory risks. Try to have lentils every day as the folate in them helps maintain hormonal balance, while polyamine spermidine helps the effectiveness of the sperm.

Full-fat dairy products: Packed with vitamins such as A, D, E, K and K2, an adequate intake of the same reduces the risk of infertility. Things such as cheese, Greek yogurt, cream cheese, cream, full-fat milk, and unsweetened milkshakes are all good for you. Fibre: Helps maintain a healthy hormonal balance by eliminating excess hormones from the body. Soluble fibre-enriched foods like oats, avocado, sweet potato, beans and whole grains help in the proper secretion of progesterone and estrogen. 

Complex carbohydrate: Whole grains, nachni, beans and peas are excellent sources of complex carbohydrates. They help keep a check on the insulin level, which boosts fertility by improving the ovulation process. While taking care of all this, do avoid trans-fat as it's associated with a decreased ovulatory fertility rate. The writer is a certified nutritionist and the founder of Nutracy Lifestyle

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