The Secret of all Secrets

While one attains victory through Guru Gita, it is also crucial to give up actions that can fritter away our energies uselessly.

The supreme knowledge is the secret of all secrets. Like any secret, it should not be given to all and sundry, says Lord Shiva to Parvati.

Why should it not be given? After all, all human beings are one and hence equal. Well, if one possesses the knowledge of making an atom bomb, it cannot indeed be given to all, some of whom may include scheming terrorists! This knowledge of the Guru Gita that everything culminates finally in the Guru state of mind should be given only to those who have an extremely mature mind and endowed with abundant faith and devotion in the Guru. Parvati received this knowledge as she was close to the heart of Shiva—an embodiment of peace and surrender.

This should not be even mentally taught at any point of time to the one whose heart knows no devotion, one who is manipulative, one who is a cunning fraud, one who professes atheism.

Why should these people not know this secret of the Guru Gita? Well, since the knowledge is of all-encompassing nature and has that wide impact, the one who knows this has a great responsibility as it involves the life of people who listen to it. When people with limited and wrong thinking get to receive this knowledge, they will only use it to strengthen their own arguments and create more confusion among the minds of people. While ordinary gross errors can be corrected easily, subtle scheming misinterpretations cannot sometimes be erased even in one’s lifetime.

The word Guru is the one sound by which one can easily walk through the ocean of change and modification called this world, as if there was just ankle deep crystal clear water from shore to shore. It is a chant of success for even the creator, the gods, the men of wisdom and contemplation. It is a mantra that destroys poverty and want, sorrow and the disease of existence. It is the king of all mantras which destroys the greatest of all fears—the fear of death.

While one attains victory by performing the recitation of the Guru Gita, it is also important to give up actions that can fritter away our energies uselessly. Making silly movements with the body, speaking unrefined language with anger, hatred, jealousy and other negative emotions and constantly entertaining destructive thoughts can be a cause for tremendous wastage of energy. No great achievement will be possible by a person who indulges in such wastage of precious energy.

In one whose tongue resides the Guru’s words, there is nothing but success. For the son of the Guru, who is indeed a disciplined disciple, all his actions happen very skillfully.

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