Cleansing Colours

A proper colour bath taken at the beginning of the day before setting out to work can balance chakras and lets you face the day with serenity
Cleansing Colours

Begin by sitting comfortably. Take a deep breath in through your nose, and exhale out through your mouth. Do this three times. Now begin by picturing the white light of God and of Universal love swirling around you in a counter-clockwise motion, starting at your feet, and moving up towards your head. Picture this motion of white light going around you three times, each time starting at the bottom of your feet and moving upwards.

Next, start a little bit above your head, picture a purple (crown chakra which brings in spirit) light swirling around, try counter-clockwise, if that doesn’t quite feel right, trying move the purple light in a clockwise motion. How does it feel? Does it move easily, or does it feel hard to move the purple light around? If it feels “stuck”, keep picturing this purple light moving in the direction you have chosen clockwise or counter-clockwise. Now take that purple light and picture it swirling around your body, swirling down toward your feet and back up again going in a clockwise or counter-clockwise motion. Once you have done this, you can move on, the purple light may be moving with ease, or feel heavy and stuck. The heavy or stuck feeling just means that the chakra is unbalanced, but the more you work at this on a daily basis, the more it will open up and balance and begin to move with ease.

Moving the different colour lights in a clockwise motion brings in energy to that chakra; moving the different colour lights in a counter-clockwise motion repel incoming energy or protect that chakra.

Now let’s move to the area on the forehead which is the third-eye chakra (your intuitive area). Begin by picturing an indigo colour light in a circular motion clockwise or counter-clockwise, whichever “feels” easier or better. Picture it moving until you feel that it is clear or moving in an easy motion, now take that indigo light and swirl it around your body, in a clockwise or counter-clockwise motion down to your feet and back up to your head.

You can move the light up and down your body, once you feel you have finished with that particular chakra and are ready to move on.

Next is the throat area (throat chakra, which holds anger and the ability to speak up for oneself). Picture a blue light going in a clockwise or counter-clockwise motion. Same as above until it moves with ease or you feel you need to move on. Don’t expect all these chakras to have a “clear” or “easy” feeling the first time you do this. It may take several times before the chakras will change and become clear and balanced (the colour moving with ease). Picture the blue light swirling around your body in a clockwise or counter-clockwise motion down your body to your feet and back up again to your head.

The chest area is known as the heart chakra (which is the centre of love for self, and being able to love). This colour is pink or green. Pick one of the colours and picture it moving in a clockwise or counter-clockwise motion. When you are ready, you can then swirl it around your body and down to your feet and back up to your head. The diaphragm chakra (located right below your breastbone or in the stomach area) is the colour of yellow, and relates to emotional issues; once again picture the yellow going clockwise or counter-clockwise. When you are ready, you can then swirl it around your body and down to your feet and back up to your head. Different chakras may move in different directions. They do not all have to go in the same direction, and will not always be the same, let your intuition be your guide.

The belly chakra colour is orange (this relates to sexuality); repeat sequence as stated above, moving the colour light clockwise or counter-clockwise and then down and up the body.

Lastly, the root chakra colour is red and located in the pelvic area (this relates to safety and security in all aspects of life). Swirl the colour light in the chakra area and then down and up the body.

This meditation should begin to bring in healing colours and light into your spiritual being to help you cope and deal with different aspects of your life in a more meaningful way.

You will be more peaceful, life will make more sense, you will be spreading your rainbow of light out toward other people around you, and they will respond to you in a more positive way.

What is a colour bath?

Each colour of the spectrum of light vibrates at a different frequency thereby granting you its own special qualities and influence. Colour has its own powerful language. Since our human development begins in a water environment (the womb and giver of life), the combination of colour and water is very powerful. Each colour helps balance the body’s energy with its own special attributes and power, which affect our mood, energy level and general health. A Colour Bath is one easy way to help attain harmony and equilibrium in our lives.

How To Have One?

Fill the bathtub with water and add Colour Bath of your choice. Light matching candles to enhance the effect.

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