Power to rise above loss

Power to rise above loss

Spirituality is the management of life. It teaches us how to live in this world and how to overcome challenges. If we understand the world and its nature, we will be able to face and overcome every challenge bravely.
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Children, some people say, “We lead an ethical life. We do not betray or harm anyone. We don’t steal either. We live happily, content with what we have. We don’t see the need for spirituality or belief in God.” True, living an ethical life is important.

Doing so is equally beneficial for the individual and society. But it may not be enough when one has to face life’s challenges. If our actions are not rooted in discernment and wisdom, even minor setbacks and sorrows can make us lose our mental balance. That being the case, how can we bear bigger setbacks in life?

Many of us do good with expectations. Hence, we end up disappointed even after doing good deeds. Those we love sincerely might not reciprocate our love. Some people become disillusioned when their expectation of love is not fulfilled.

They resort to intoxicants and eventually become addicted. Similarly, someone we have helped a great deal might betray us. We might then become terribly upset or angry and become obsessed with thoughts of revenge. The cause of all these is expectation. With spiritual knowledge, we can retain our mental balance in such situations.

Spirituality is the management of life. It teaches us how to live in this world and how to overcome challenges. If we understand the world and its nature, we will be able to face and overcome every challenge bravely.

Suppose we are going to see an old friend in order to borrow some money from him. He might or might not lend us the money. He might even say, “I was also thinking of borrowing some money from someone.” If we keep these outcomes in mind, we will not get upset even if he does not lend us any money.

A ship in the ocean is surrounded by water. As long as the water does not seep into it, it is safe. But if a small hole appears anywhere in the ship, water will enter, causing the ship to sink.

Similarly, if we allow the events of the outer world, whether good or bad, to influence our mind, it will become unsettled and enslaved by sorrow and disappointment. But if we surrender the mind to God, we will always remain calm.

For example, suppose a close friend dies in an accident or is seriously ill. In such a situation, how can we have peace of mind? It is the knowledge of spiritual principles and a life lived accordingly that will help us retain our mental balance. Contentment and happiness depend solely on the mind, not on external objects or circumstances. Happiness really depends on self-control. Both heaven and hell are created by the mind.

Even the highest heaven turns into hell if the mind is agitated; whereas, even the lowest hell will become a blissful abode for a man endowed with a peaceful and relaxed mind. Religion is the science which teaches us how to live a happy and blissful life while still living in this diverse world.

During the 2001 earthquake in Gujarat, tens of thousands of people lost everything. Many of them had been poor to begin with. Quite a few of them came to see Amma. They were not overly distraught.

When Amma asked them if they were upset, they said “God took back what He gave us.” Though they lost everything, they were able to rise above their loss. What helped them to do so was their spiritual outlook.

The writer is a world-renowned spiritual leader and humanitarian.

The New Indian Express