God is hidden within

God is hidden within

It is true that our true nature is divine, but He remains hidden from us because of our ignorance and ego.
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Children, religions teach that God dwells in the heart, that man and God are essentially of the same nature, and that God created man in his own image. Many may wonder why, if such is the case, we are unable to savor the bliss of His presence.

It is true that our true nature is divine, but He remains hidden from us because of our ignorance and ego. Hence, we experience sorrow and suffering. In reality, all religions show the ways by which man may attain his innate, blissful nature.

However, failing to understand the real essence of religions, we get caught up in external rituals and customs. Suppose there is honey in different bottles. What is the point of giving all our attention to the colour and shape of the bottles and not savoring the sweetness of the honey? We are like this at present. Instead of assimilating the principles that religions advocate, we have become caught up with their superficial aspects.

Amma remembers a story. A man decided to celebrate his 50th birthday with great fanfare. He printed invitations on expensive paper. He renovated his home by repainting and decorating it and bought a chandelier which he hung in the middle of the hall.

He bought expensive clothes, a diamond ring and a gold chain to wear on his birthday. He also hired the most famous chef in town to cook up a sumptuous feast.

The birthday finally arrived. Wearing his designer clothes, diamond ring and gold chain, he went to receive the guests in the hall. The feast had been prepared, and uniformed waiters stood ready to serve.

Mata Amritanandamayi
Mata Amritanandamayi

But when no one had arrived even after it turned dark, the man became anxious. Suddenly, he noticed the stack of invitations lying on his table. In the rush to renovate and do up his home and surroundings, he had completely forgotten about posting the invitations.

Likewise, many of us get caught up in the trivial bustle of our daily lives and forget the main aim of life. Hence, we are unable to experience true peace and happiness. Those who are steeped in the outer pomp and pageantry of religion will find it difficult to assimilate the essence of religion and to experience the presence of God.

The grass cutter who mows the lawn sees only grass, whereas the man collecting medicinal plants will notice the rare medicinal plants growing amidst the grass. In the same way, we must learn to absorb the cardinal principles of religion and not give too much importance to non-essential matters.

In reality, nothing is separate from God. He is our own true nature. We see the whole world with our eyes, yet we cannot see our own eyes. If we can make our vision, which is currently focused on the external world, turn inward, then that Supreme Truth will shine forth within us. Otherwise, we will continue searching for happiness and peace in the external world like the musk deer that blindly pursues the smell of musk, not realising that the fragrance is coming from its own body.

Children, we must strive to understand the inner essence of religion and the spiritual principles behind rituals and festivals. We must try to practice them in our lives. Only then will we be able to experience the presence of God within us.

The writer is a world-renowned spiritual leader and humanitarian

The New Indian Express