RMP leader arrested, released on bail for his misogynistic comments

Upon his release, Hariharan addressed the media, clarifying his position on the incident.
RMP leader K S Hariharan
RMP leader K S HariharanPhoto | Express

KOZHIKODE: RMP leader K S Hariharan was released on bail after being arrested for making derogatory comments against CPM leader K K Shailaja and actor Manju Warrier during a political event in Vadakara.

The arrest followed a complaint filed by the DYFI with the state police chief, citing misogynistic comments. Hariharan’s comments had sparked widespread controversy.

Upon his release, Hariharan addressed the media, clarifying his position on the incident. He stated that the police recorded his statement and did not ask him to appear before them again.

While Hariharan maintained that the remarks were not illegal, he admitted that they were politically inappropriate. He expressed regret for his comments. Hariharan highlighted that he realised the political mistake and took steps to correct it.

He also said that despite making a public apology, the complaint was filed by some individuals who were not satisfied with his expression of regret. He condemned a massive cyber attack targeted at both himself and K K Rema, suggesting that mediapersons should reconsider their portrayal of the events. Hariharan asserted that he had been wrongfully depicted as an accused in a rape case.

Moreover, Hariharan affirmed that he has the full support of his party. “The party is with me and I am with the party,” he said. My party has stood with me throughout the controversy, he said.

The remarks that led to the controversy were made during a UDF event in Vadakara. Hariharan’s statements were deemed misogynistic, leading to public outrage and the subsequent filing of a complaint by DYFI, demanding action against him.

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