CHENNAI: The state government on Thursday informed the Madras High Court that the district education officer (private schools) of Krishnagiri district has recommended appointment of a special officer for managing the private school where students were sexually harassed at a fake NCC camp.
The submission was made through a report filed by DEO CK Kolappa before the first bench of Acting Chief Justice D Krishnakumar and Justice PB Balaji.
He informed the court that 571 students, out of 623 were present at the school on September 3 and the parent of the affected child has requested for admitting her to another nearby school and necessary steps were taken in this regard.
The DEO also said the explanation given by the school concerned in response to a show cause notice is “fully contradictory and not acceptable”.
Meanwhile, Jayashree Muralidharan, head of the multi-disciplinary team, in its report said it is currently in discussion to formulate recommendations for submission to the government.