NEW DELHI: While extending the lockdown till June 30, the Centre on Saturday announced a graded easing of restrictions in three phases outside containment zones.
“All activities that were prohibited earlier will be opened up in a phased manner,” the Union Ministry of Home Affairs said, terming the new guidelines as “Unlock-1.”
In phase 1, religious places, places of worship, hotels, restaurants, hospitality services and shopping malls will be opened from June 8.
From 01.06.2020
●Within Containment Zones, #Lockdown restrictions to continue till 30.06.2020
●#Unlock1 All activities to be relaxed in phased manner outside containment zones, as per @MoHFW_INDIA guidelines
●States may impose restrictions/prohibit activities as per assessment pic.twitter.com/LDbmvf6Gfa
The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare will issue standard operating procedures (SOPs) after consulting central ministries, departments and stakeholders for their reopening.
In the second phase, school, colleges, educational training and coaching institutions will be opened after consulting state government and Union Territories.
The Centre said state authorities will be advised to hold consultations with parents and stakeholders following which the reopening of educational institutions will be taken in July.
In the third and last phase, international air travel, metro services, cinema halls, gymnasiums, swimming pools, entertainment parks, theatres, bars and auditoriums, assembly halls and similar places will be allowed to resume.
The resumption of these activities is likely to be announced only after June, sources said.
A decision will also be taken on permitting social, political, sporting, entertainment, academic, cultural, religious functions and other large congregations, the government said on the opening up of activities in the third phase.
In effect, the lockdown and its strict guidelines will continue only in containment zones, whose areas will be demarcated by state governments and Union Territories after taking into consideration the Health Ministry’s guidelines.
In the containment zones, only essential activities will be allowed till June 30. Exits and entry will be strictly controlled and there will be intensive contact tracing and house-to-house surveillance in these areas, the Centre said.
Night curfew for non-essential activities and movement of individuals shall remain in place but the timings of curfew have been revised from 9 pm to 5 am from the existing 7 pm to 7am.
“The current phase of reopening, Unlock 1, will have an economic focus,” the MHA said, adding the new guidelines were issued based on extensive consultations held with the states and Union Territories.
Social, political, religious, cultural and other gatherings will remain banned for now. As was the case earlier, not more than 20 and 50 people will be allowed to attend funerals and weddings respectively.
There will be no restrictions on the movement of people or goods within states and between states. No separate permission/approval/e-permit will be required as was the case earlier.
But if a state/UT based on reasons of public health and its assessment of the situation, proposes to regulate movement of persons, it will give wide publicity in advance regarding the restrictions and the related procedures to be followed, the MHA said.
Punjab and MP extend lockdown
The Punjab and Madhya Pradesh governments on Saturday extended the ongoing lockdown in the states to June 30 and June 15 respectively. “In a few days, we will deposit the mid-day meal sum in the bank accounts for May and for till June 13,” MP CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan said
The new guidelines have been issued based on extensive consultations held with States and Union Territories, the ministry further said.