Peppered with good health: All the benefits of black pepper you need to know

For centuries, people have used black pepper as a medicine; its alkaloid component piperine helps in the absorption of curcumin from turmeric.
black pepper
black pepper

Due to the pandemic, we all have started giving importance to our immune system a bit more than usual. It is the same reason that we have also started searching for beneficial spices, superfoods, etc., which have a huge impact on our health.

Today, I want to discuss the benefits of black pepper—a less discussed spice that has huge benefits on our body. It plays an important role in digestion because it naturally helps our body to secrete digestive enzymes that enhance digestion and absorption of food. When the digestive enzymes are not produced by our body, it causes issues like acidity, gas, and bloating. Black pepper keeps us away from all these issues.

Benefits of black pepper

For centuries, people have used black pepper as a medicine; its alkaloid component piperine helps in the absorption of curcumin from turmeric. Therefore, it has an impact on our immune system too. The same compound has anti-inflammatory properties and helps reduce swelling and pain, hence acting as a natural painkiller. Piperine also helps with headaches and migraines. An ideal way to consume black pepper is to soak four black peppercorns for six hours in 100ml water, chew the soaked pepper and drink the water.

Rightly called the ‘king of spices’, black pepper is loaded with antioxidants like vitamin C, A, flavonoids, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, therefore, it helps in controlling the symptoms related to flu. One can make a concoction of turmeric, black pepper, ginger, and tulsi or just mix two small crushed black peppercorns with half teaspoon organic unpasteurised honey and consume it once a day to treat flu-related symptoms.

Black pepper is more active in its raw form so I suggest adding it after the food is cooked. Though cooking with it won’t take away the benefits, it is better to add it fresh as it also boosts our body’s metabolism to burn fat. 

Deepika Rathod

Chief Nutrition Officer,  Luke Coutinho Holistic Healing Systems.  

The writer is a clinical  nutritionist with a  focus on healthy  lifestyle choices.

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