Seven health myths busted

Early last year, the COVID-19 pandemic changed our lives and outlooks. We started making lifestyle changes while taking extra care of our health and immunity.
For representational purpose
For representational purpose

Early last year, the COVID-19 pandemic changed our lives and outlooks. We started making lifestyle changes while taking extra care of our health and immunity. The goal was to eat, sleep, and breathe better. Focus on a balanced lifestyle also led to a number of myths being busted. Here are a few that might catch you by surprise.

Garam masala causes acidity or indigestion
Truth: When you mix spices, you combine their healing properties, which is assumed to be heaty in nature. But we need to have warm foods in moderation to boost metabolism, reduce inflammation, detoxify the body, improve energy, improve Immunity, etc. Garam masala in moderation will never increase the heat and acidity in the body.

Stress has nothing to do with body and digestion
Truth: When one has chronic anxiety and emotional stress, then the body is not producing enough enzymes to digest the food. This impacts your weight, digestion and immunity.

Myth: Tea and other liquids are allowed during fast
During the fasting period you are supposed to drink only plain water and nothing else. No lemon water, tea, coffee, infused water, herbal infusions, etc., because these might engage one’s digestion a bit. Instead, we want the digestive system to divert all its energy toward healing and detoxification.

Turmeric tea helps improve your immunity
Curcumin is the compound found in turmeric, which has anti-inflammatory properties and helps in improving our immune system. But to increase its bioavailability, one needs to consume it with black pepper. 

Focus only on eating healthy to keep beauty and immunity in check
When we think of health, we have to focus on four verticals of lifestyle—food, activity or movement, adequate sleep and emotional well-being. Only with these parameters in harmony, can one achieve great health.

Only fruits high in Vitamin C can help boost the immunity 
Vitamin C is an essential nutrient to help us improve our immune system but ultimately we can’t just survive with one nutrient. So, a good practise would be to add different fruits and veggies to your routine.

Vegetarians can’t get proteins from their food
A vegetarian meal is balanced with an amino acid profile wherein protein is complete; its adsorption is perfect. But together as dal roti/dal rice/khichdi, etc., we get a complete amino acid profile that enhances protein absorption.

Deepika Rathod
(Chief Nutrition Officer, Luke Coutinho Holistic Healing Systems. The writer is a clinical nutritionist with a focus on healthy lifestyle choices.)

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