Tamil actor Dhanush's latest release Raayan will be available for streaming on Prime Video from August 23, the OTT platform announced on Friday. The film, written and directed by Dhanush himself, stars SJ Suryah, Dushara Vijayan, Sundeep Kishan, Kalidas Jayaram, Aparna Balamurali, and Prakash Raj in key roles.
The film follows four siblings who flee their village for the city. The narrative centres around three brothers -- Manickam (Kalidas Jayaram), a principled college student; Muthu (Sundeep Kishan), who is impulsive; and Raayan (Dhanush), who assumes the role of a responsible father figure.
Their bond revolves around their sister, Durga (Dushara Vijayan).
Raayan's efforts to marry Durga embroil him in a power struggle between gangsters Sethu (SJ Suryah) and Durai (Saravanan).
The plot thickens when a new cop (Prakash Raj) enters the scene and manipulates the situation to his advantage, intending to clean up the city, while Raayan fights to protect his family.
Produced by Kalanithi Maran under the banner of Sun Pictures, Raayan is the 50th movie of Dhanush's career and will be available on Prime Video in Tamil with dubs in Telugu, Hindi, Malayalam and Kannada, the streamer said in a press release.
Raayan also features music by AR Rahman, cinematography by Om Prakash, editing by Prasanna GK, stunts by Peter Hein, and dance choreography by Prabhudheva and Baba Baskar.