THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The special investigation team formed to probe the allegations of sexual harassment in the Malayalam film industry met in Thiruvananthapuram on Tuesday morning. During the meeting, it was decided to expand the investigating team by drafting more female officers.
The SIT will split into various teams, each headed by a woman IPS officer. Coastal Police AIG G Poonkuzhali and Kerala Police Academy Assistant Director Aishwarya Dongre, who are stationed in Ernakulam and Thrissur respectively, will conduct a probe on complaints that were filed by artists hailing from those areas.
Thiruvananthapuram range DIG A Ajeetha Beegum has been designated as the single point contact for the complainants to file their petitions.
More subordinate women cops will be drafted and attached to the teams led by the women IPS officers. The SIT has already received about 16 complaints, including three from the victims.
During the meeting that was chaired by State Police Chief Shaikh Darvesh Saheb, it was decided to transfer all the cases pertaining to sexual harassment that have been registered in the state by the local police to the SIT.
It's been revealed that two artists have filed police complaints so far alleging sexual harassment. Minu Muneer has lodged a complaint against seven people, including a few leading actors, while a junior artist has filed a complaint against another actor.