BENGALURU: The Kamakshipalya police submitted a 3,991-page detailed chargesheet to the Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate (ACMM) on Wednesday against actor Darshan Thogudeepa and 16 others involved in the murder of 33-year-old Renukaswamy.
The chargesheet contains statements of 231 witnesses. Of these witnesses, three are direct witnesses and 27 persons have given their statements before a judge. Eight reports from the Forensic Science Laboratory and Central Forensic Science Laboratory in Hyderabad have also been included. Statements from 56 police personnel and eight other government officials are included in the charge sheet.
Actors Darshan and Pavithra Gowda was arrested on June 11 following the alleged kidnap and murder of Renukaswamy, the chemist from Chitradurga at a shed in Pattanagere in RR Nagar on June 8. Darshan is in judicial custody since June 22. He is presently lodged at Ballari prison.