KOCHI: The 'MeToo' wave that has rocked Mollywood took a decisive turn with police on Thursday registering six cases including rape charges against actor and CPM MLA Mukesh, actor-producer Maniyanpilla Raju and actor Edavela Babu following the complaint of an actress who worked in Malayalam and Tamil movies. Police also initiated steps to record the statement of the victim by a magistrate under section 183 of Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita.
Separately, police have also registered a case against a documentary director and four online movie reviewers including Santhosh Varkey, popular as 'Aarattu Annan' in Kochi over rape and molestation charges.
Cheranalloor police in Kochi are probing the case against documentary director Vineeth, and online movie reviewers Alain Jose, Bright, Abhilash Attayam and 'Aarattu Annan'm which were registered before the release of the Hema Committee report.
The case against Mukesh was registered at Maradu police station under IPC section 376 (1) for rape; section 354 for outraging the modesty of a woman; section 452 for house trespass with the intent to hurt or assault someone and section 509 for insulting a woman's modesty by using words, gestures, or acts.
The allegation against Mukesh was that she was sexually harassed at a villa in Maradu where she reached out to apply for the Association of Malayalam Movie Artists (AMMA) membership. Mukesh was claimed to be an office bearer of AMMA then.
A local court on Thursday provided relief from arrest to the actor-politician, directing the police not to apprehend him till September 3.
Mukesh had earlier moved the court seeking anticipatory bail after the Kerala police registered the against him on August 28 following the allegation. Mukesh claimed that the statement against him was given with malafide intentions, aiming to tarnish his political and film career.
Granting interim relief to Mukesh, the Principal Sessions Court stated that the likelihood of the actor fleeing from the law is low, adding, "Taking note of the situation that there may not be chances to flee away from the clutches of law, the IO (Investigating Officer) is directed that the petitioner shall not be arrested till 3/9/24."
The anticipatory bail came at a time when the opposition was clamouring for Mukesh’s resignation as a CPI (M) legislator.
The rape case against Edavela Babu was registered at Ernakulam North Police under IPC section 376 (1) for rape and section 354 for outraging the modesty of the woman. The allegation against Idavela Babu is that the victim was called to his apartment in Kaloor twice to apply for AMMA membership in 2009. In the first incident, Babu made sexual advances. In the second incident, she was raped by the actor.
Advocate V S Chandrasekharan who resigned from the post of president of the Lawyers Congress State Committee was booked for rape after the victim was taken to a resort in the pretence of checking the film shooting location. The case against him was registered at Ernakulam Central Police Station.
The case against Maniyanpilla Raju was registered for making sexual advances towards the victim while she was staying at a hotel in Fort Kochi as part of a film shooting in 2009. The case was registered at Fort Kochi police station. The allegation against production executive Nobel was that he allegedly molested the victim inside a car near Ernakulam Town Railway Station. The case is registered at Ernakulam North Police Station. Similarly, production executive Vichu also molested the victim and the case was registered in Nedumbassery police station.
Police will soon summon the accused persons to appear for the interrogation. Meanwhile, the accused persons will soon move for anticipatory bail at the court as charges against them are non-bailable. On Wednesday, the Special Investigation Team (SIT), had taken the statement of the complainant at her residence in Aluva. The victim had raised the allegation against seven persons. The case against actor Jayasurya was registered at Cantonment police station in Thiruvananthapuram.
The SIT will be investigating all seven cases based on the statement of the complainant. The investigation team will initiate a procedure to record the statement of the victim before a judicial magistrate under section 183 of Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita. SIT has approached the victim regarding giving the statement before the magistrate and she has agreed to it. An application in this would be filed before Ernakulam Chief Judicial Magistrate Court.
Call for resignation
Over 100 prominent women writers and social activists including Sarah Joseph, K R Meera, and Kusumam Joseph have issued a joint statement seeking the resignation and arrest of Kollam MLA Mukesh following allegations of sexual abuse from their part.
The group of women said Mukesh was already alleged in a series of offenses including domestic violence and sexual abuse.
"If Mukesh believes in democratic values, he should resign from the post and face investigation," the statement said.
The signatories in the statement included activist Cuckoo Devaky, K. Ajitha, and Advocate Asha Unnithan, among others.
Though demands for his resignation were raised from various parts, the state government is yet to take a decision on the matter.
(With inputs from PTI)