
Pain shooting from heels, more common than you think

Dr Narayan Hulse

BENGALURU: I am a 24-year old female and I get severe hip pain. After a tiring day at work, I get home and sit on bed. I suddenly am unable to move and have a sharp pain in my hip. In fact I feel the bones snap when I move. The pain lasts for few minutes and I am back to normal. Is this something serious?
This kind of symptom may represent a serious hip problem like instability, arthritis  or some time more simple issues like snapping hip. Information is not adequate to make any diagnosis. Best to be investigated by an orthopaedic surgeon.

Whenever I am walking, I sometimes feel a terrible pain shoot from my heels to my back. What is this and why does this happen?
This is called sciatica if your description is very objective. This happens if the nerve in the lower back is being pressed  which usually happens because of a disc prolapse. Examination of your leg will give more clues. An MRI scan will confirm the diagnosis. It is very common condition, Majority are treated with simple medications only. Rarely surgery is required.

I am a 25-year-old female and my ankles hurt all of a sudden. Sometimes, when I do not walk much, I get pain and sometimes, due to cold. It gets severe and unbearable after sometime. That is the only joint of my leg where I get pain. Is it something to be worried about?
Ankle is a very common joint to sustain injuries like sprain. However ankle joint could also be involved in other painful conditions like bursitis, tendinitis, fascitis, and rarely gout and arthritis. These conditions could be easily diagnosed and treated.

I am 26. I have just started going to the gym and have been having body aches. Why is this happening? Am I working out too much? How do I get better?
Very common problem. This is due to unaccustomed physical activities and happens to everybody in the beginning of gymming or sports training. Start stretching and warming up before you start. Increase the intensity of your gym activity very gradually. Take 6-8 weeks to reach your full program schedule. Drink a lot of water and take Vit D.

I am 64-years-old, diabetic and have arthritis. I cannot tighten my hands and turn it into a fist. Is there any exercise or food habits that can make the situation improve?
Managing arthritis in your hand should be comprehensive. Firstly, we need to diagnose the type of arthritis you have. Some of them may require regular medicines. E.g rheumatoid arthritis. Exercises could help you. Hot fomentation in water and ball exercise are good. A trained physiotherapist could also help you. No food has shown to make any significant difference in your condition
Additional Director, Orthopaedics Fortis Hospital. Wtite to