
Hiring? ‘SecUR’ against an axe murderer now

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BENGALURU: Every day, numerous cases of fake qualification and experience certificates are furnished while applying for jobs. Many companies spend a considerable amount of time to verify the authenticity of resumes. In fact, IT/ITeS constitutes around two-thirds of the BGC (background verification process) market here.

A company aims to deal with this problem across job sectors through the use of a unique, ‘SecUR’ number for employees that can be accessed by companies and be verified instantly.   
Rahul Belwalkar, CEO of the SecUR Credentials, says, “Hiring in bulk is common in staffing industry and even in IT. Bengaluru being the backbone of a lot of IT based services in the country can benefit from background verification.” The consequences of negligent hiring can reflect on the company’s credibility, future earning potential and put the owners or HRs personally liable for any mishaps. It can also reduce the rate of attrition, safeguard against data leaks, and prevent waste of HR energy in terms of training and development, adds Rahul.

A SecUR number is purchased by the job seeker and costs nothing to the company. After registering for free, employers and companies can access the background verification report of the candidate, at zero cost. Rahul says that a job seeker is keen to gain a competitive edge by showcasing his/her integrity through the SecUR number. While an employer can select the right candidate from a pool of verified, ‘job ready’ candidates. Companies and employers can simply state in the offer letter that candidates should get a SecUR Number or ask if they have one.

This enables a transparent and secure workplace, adds Rahul The onus of validating the resume information is shifted from the employer to an employee. “The end goal is to ensure that candidates are getting verified irrespective of whether background verification is being conducted by the company or not.  As of now, we have received requests from employees working in sectors across IT/ITeS, BFSI and Retail and conglomerates,” says Rahul.