
Belt a drink down

From our online archive

ICE ICE Monkey

Whiskey  - 45 ml
Home made spiced earl grey syrup - 45 ml
Lime - 15 ml
Ginger ale to top up
Cucumber and mint to garnish
In a collins glass, add whisky, earl grey tea syrup and lemon juice. Add ice and give it a slight stir.
Top it up with ginger ale.
Garnish with fresh bunch
of mint and cucumber peel.

Coke & Cane

Dark rum - 60 ml
Coke - 200 ml
Lime juice - 30 ml
Lime powder - 2 caps
Coke ENO powder - 5 g

Inject dark rum in syringe
Fill ice cube in 400ml becker & top up with ice cubes
Fill lime powder in the pill
Have a line of coke eno powder on playing and place it on becker
GARNISH: Slice of Lemon

Cosmic Explosion

Vodka eristoff -  60 ml
Cranberry juice - 100 ml
Lime juice - 20 ml
Oranges zest - 1
Candy floss - 25 g

Put a cotton candy in the martini glass
Mix the ingredients in the mini cocktail shaker
Keep the orange zest in the patite dish
 Arrange all in wooden tray
First pour the cosmo in the martini glass as  candy floss melts / burn the orange zest to flame
Rim the orange and its ready to serve
Garnish: Orange

Spiced Raw Mango Julep

Whisky - 50ml
Aam Panna - 10ml
Sugar - 5ml
Lime - 15ml
Glass Old fashioned
Ice Cracked

Add all ingredients
into a old fashioned glass
Add crushed ice / cracked ice
Mix thoroughly with a swizzle
Top up the drink with more cracked ice
Garnish with a mango fan
– Monkey Shoulder,
William Grant &
Sons India

The Lantern

Whiskey - 60 ml
Orange marmalade - 10 g
Sweet & Sour - 10 ml
Shake all the ingredients
Pour it in the old fashioned glass, place it inside the lantern prop
Garnish: Orange and cherry

Vodka eristoff premium - 60 ml
Lime wedge - 5, 4 no
Fresh mint - 6, 7 no
Demerara sugar 10 - 1 sachet
Lime pickle - 1tsp
Add lime wedges, mint leaves, brown sugar, lime juice, sugar syrup
Mix little crushed ice and mix it till the brown sugar dilute
Pour vodka
Top up the crushed ice
Garnish: Mint leaves & slice of lemon

US Mule
Blue riband premium london dry gin - 60 ml
Earl grey infusion - 10ml/30ml
S.s mix - 45 ml
Cheese khari - 1
Dry ice - 0.5 g

Shake the ingredients.
Pour it in the chai kettle.
Drop a cube of dry ice in the kettle and set a tray with khari biscuits and a chai cup ready to serve


Vodka - 60 ml
Lavender syrup - 10 ml
Sweet & Sour - 10 ml
Orchid flower - 1

Shake all the ingredients with ice cube
Pour it in the old fashioned glass. Place the same on the mirror prop
Light the fragrance stick

Cha La Lai
Black grapes: 6-8 pieces
Oolong Tea: 30 ml
Green apple liqueur: 30 ml
Sugar syrup: 10 ml
Vodka: 45 ml
Sparkling wine: 15 ml
Muddle 8-9 black grapes, add oolong tea, green apple liqueur, sugar syrup and vodka
Add 4-5 pieces of ice cubes
Shake it well and pour it in a glass
Top up with Sparkling wine
Garnish with skewed black grapes
—  Yauatcha, Bengaluru

Monkey  Raaj

Whisky - 50 ml
Egg white - 1
Superfine sugar - 1 tsp
Or Sugar syrup - 15 ml
Gondoraj Lime - 10 ml  
Lime juice - 5 ml
Mango ginger - 4 slices

Shake the whisky, mango ginger slices, gondoraj juice, lime juice, sugar and egg, very well with ice.
Double strain and serve into a highball glass filled with ice.
Garnish with dehydrated gondoraj lime wheel and mango ginger slice.

And Kall
Coffee - 25 ml
Gin - 45ml

Combine the ingredients in a shaker, shake well and serve.
- Chef Mahesh,
Tamara, Coorg