
Embracing winter wellness

Dr Narendra Shetty

BENGALURU: As winter casts its chilly spell, individuals grappling with arthritis and diabetes often find themselves facing health challenges. The cold weather can intensify symptoms, making it crucial to adopt a holistic approach to self-care. In this guide, we delve into the intricate balance of winter care, exploring the significance of a well-rounded routine that encompasses diet, yoga, exercise, and skincare for those managing arthritis and diabetes.

Dietary Strategies

  •  Nutrient-Rich Choices:   Winter demands extra energy to combat the cold, and individuals with arthritis and diabetes should prioritize nutrient-dense foods. A well-balanced diet featuring an array of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins can provide essential vitamins and minerals crucial for overall health and disease management.
  •  Harnessing the Power of Omega-3 Fatty Acids: For those grappling with arthritis, incorporating omega-3 fatty acids into the diet can offer relief. Fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts are rich sources of these healthy fats, known for their anti-inflammatory properties. Including them in your meals may alleviate joint pain and stiffness.
  •  Mindful Carbohydrate Consumption: Individuals with diabetes need to be vigilant about their carbohydrate intake. Opting for complex carbohydrates with a low glycemic index, such as legumes and vegetables, can help regulate blood sugar levels. Fiber-rich foods can contribute to satiety and assist in blood sugar management.

Exercise for Blood Sugar Management

  •  Aerobic Activities for Diabetes Control: Engaging in aerobic exercises, such as walking, swimming, or cycling, is pivotal for managing diabetes. These activities enhance insulin sensitivity, aiding in blood sugar control. During winter, indoor exercises like stationary cycling or aerobic dance provide effective alternatives.
  •  Strategic Strength Training for Arthritis Support: For those with arthritis, incorporating light strength training is essential. Strengthening muscles around joints can mitigate the impact on arthritic areas, reducing pain and discomfort. It’s imperative to tailor exercises to individual capabilities and seek guidance from healthcare professionals or certified trainers.

Yoga for Joint Health

  •  Gentle Asanas to Soothe Joints: Winter exacerbates stiffness, particularly for arthritis sufferers. Gentle yoga poses, such as cat-cow stretches, child’s pose, and twists, promote flexibility and alleviate joint discomfort. Regular practice can contribute to improved joint health and enhanced overall well-being.
  •  The Power of Meditation and Stress Reduction: Stress is a common exacerbating factor for both arthritis and diabetes. Integrating meditation and mindfulness practices into your daily routine can be transformative. Techniques like deep breathing and guided meditation foster relaxation, reducing stress levels and positively impacting mental health.

Skincare Rituals in Winter

  •  Hydration as a Foundation: The winter air is notorious for sapping skin moisture, a concern amplified for individuals with diabetes, who may already contend with skin issues. Maintaining adequate hydration by drinking plenty of water and using a quality moisturizer is a fundamental step in supporting skin health.
  •  Guarding Against Extreme Temperatures: Those with arthritis often experience increased joint pain in extreme cold. Wearing layers, utilizing joint wraps or braces, and ensuring extremities are well-covered can provide warmth and support. Diabetics should pay special attention to foot care, keeping feet warm, dry, and well-moisturised.

As winter unfolds, a proactive and holistic approach to health becomes paramount for those managing arthritis and diabetes. However, it’s crucial to customize these recommendations to individual needs and seek personalized advice from healthcare professionals. 

(The writer is chief wellness officer, Kshemavana)