
Hope & happiness: Author Minnku Buttar on her latest book

Preetha Nair , Prasanta Mazumdar

BENGALURU:  In an era where hope often remains underplayed and misunderstood, author Minnku Buttar presents a different narrative, emphasising hope as the divine energy capable of leading individuals from darkness to light. She is set to captivate readers with the launch of the book, Mission Hope. “This is a collaboration with my publisher in the US, and my editor, Charlotte Murphy and Dominic Domaschke. We are 18 authors worldwide, and I am the only one represented from India,” says Buttar about the book that was released on Friday. Veena Jain, Mrs India Globe was also present on the occasion.   

The presentation of the book in itself has a deliberate meaning which the author explains in detail. “Green is the colour of resurrection. Green is the projection of everything around us that has a purpose and a possibility of growth. So if we are looking at something that regenerates itself, it has to be green,” she says. 

Exploring the power of hope, the author delves into the depths of human emotions, shedding light on its transformative potential in the face of anxiety and depression that plagues modern society. Buttar says, “We are on a mission to inspire humanity to be good. Kindness, unconditional love, empathy, and unconditional support... If we can give all of this to each other, the power struggles in the world will diminish.” Through the book, the author narrates her own story. 

“I have traced my own personal journey that is steeped in love, resurrection, and hope. So my trajectory has been captured in the book, but I’ve also explored concepts with quotes from Osho, Nisargadatta Maharaj and Kahlil Gibran. So one fascinating fact that you will find in this book that has my pre-blossoming and then post-blossoming journey is the idea that we are always chasing the next moment. We need to pause and take a step back,” she says.