
Amazon launches store for women

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HYDERABAD: Amazon has launched ‘Amazon Saheli’ to sell and promote products made by women entrepreneurs. The global e-commerce giant, which has been betting big on India, has tied up with Self Employed Women Association (SEWA) and Impulse Social Enterprise for sourcing and offering products through ‘Amazon Saheli’ initiative. 

“Under the initiative, more than 350 products produced by women will be made available on online store. Our motive is to ensure a market and regular income for self-employed women, by providing access to customers across the India,” said Gopal Pillai, director and general manager, seller services, Amazon India, speaking after the launch in Hyderabad on Monday.

Amazon has been working to empower women entrepreneurs and has done a pilot project successfully in Nagaland. Now, it has launched Saheli officially on the occasion of GES 2017, which is centred on the theme of ‘Women First Prosperity For All’.

SEWA works with about 19 lakh women and Amazon will tie up with more NGOs and organistions working for women entrepreneurship and empowerment, as part of Amazon Saheli initiative. Amazon Saheli will give women entrepreneurs access to world-class logistics, fulfilment facilities.

They will also have a slew of benefits such as subsidised referral fees, free imaging and cataloging, account management, post-launch support, enhanced discoverability and differentiation of products through specialised storefronts,” Pillai added.