
Discover the best sleeping position for a healthy body and refreshing mind

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Generally, people think that the bone’s vital role is to give our body a proper shape and framework. It is true, but not many of us know that it is a dynamic organ which adapts to all kinds of different forces applied on it. Bone also stores nutrients and minerals and also generate blood cells that help in protecting the body from infection.

That is why the function of 206 bones is extremely crucial. They are part of our daily essential life. Any harm or damage to it can cause our entire system to fail at some point. Disk in our vertebrae plays an important role by working as shock absorber in every role or activity we carry out. Even when you bend to pick something or you stretch to pull out something from the top shelf of the kitchen your bones stretch and this disk helps in protecting them from damage.

This is the only reason why people are suggested yoga and exercise early morning to give muscles and bones that relaxation. Apart from that research says that, many people who sit for hours in their work place suffer from back pain. According to doctors, mattresses play an imperative role in increasing or decreasing pain. If you don’t have firm mattress, then you’re sleeping in a sagging position, which bends your spinal cord. Also sleeping in wrong position can harm the joints.

We will today discuss some of the sleeping positions and their positive and negative effects -

  • Back position
  • Side position
  • Fetal position
  • Stomach position

Back position

This is the best position because it helps in decreasing neckline and back ache. Also, helps in good sleep which prevents wrinkles. However, when you sleep straight you snore more which affects your heart directly. When you sleep straight, you don’t force your spine to bend, which keeps your body in good position for a long run. Since your face isn’t pushed by anything therefore, chances of wrinkles are less and also your breast doesn’t sag. However, to avoid snoring and further bend in the neck, your pillow should not be very thick. Your neck and head should be at same position otherwise, you can feel slight pain in your neck, which can also include headache.

Side position

This position is good for pregnant ladies because sleeping on back is bad for the baby. Blood circulation is good while sleeping in side position which prevents any kind of back and neckline pain. Also snoring is in control and it reduces acid reflux. Overall sleeping sideways is good for health. However, since your face is sideways, you may get wrinkles.

Also, since your breasts are rolling downwards, there are chances of sagging. That is why it is recommended to get a high pillow that fills the space above the shoulder to give neutral position to neck and face. Also, you can keep a pillow between your legs to avoid back pain early morning.

Fetal position

Again, this position is good for pregnant ladies and those who snore a lot. However, it isn’t good in controlling back and neck ache. When you sleep with your knees high and cheeks glued to your chest, you cuddle like a baby. It makes you feel cozy but that bends your spine the entire night which can irate you in the morning.

It also doesn’t allow you to breathe normally, because your chest is pressed hard. To support your neckline and back you should put a pillow in the same way as you did in the side position. Also, it is advised to flatten out a bit to avoid back pain.

Stomach position

This is the worst position that can lead to not only trouble in the back and neckline, but also makes your stomach uneasy because you have pressed it hard over the bed that hampers its functioning. Although stomach sleeping position is good to avoid snoring, if you keep your neck in a wrong position for even fifteen minutes, it can irritate you in the morning, that is why doctors suggest to avoid pillow while sleeping in this position, this way your entire body will be in neutral position, which will help in reducing pain.

Now that you’re aware about your sleeping habits, it is necessary that you start thinking about making some changes in your routine. Buy the right mattress and sleep in the right posture to give your body a healthy start.